Privacy Policy

We, at M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda., registered in CNPJ 26.768.620/0001-69, are committed to protecting your privacy. The purpose of this document is to clarify what information is collected from users of our website ( and how this data is handled and used in accordance with the General Law of Data Protection – LGPD (law n. 13.709/2018).

We act as an Operator (art. 5, item VII, of the LGPD) and promote the processing of personal data on behalf and order of the Controller (art. 5, item VI, of the LGPD), when necessary for the execution of a contract (art. 7, item V, of the LGPD).

In order to offer our portfolio of services, M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. collects several data and information through its website, the equipment installed or in use and the devices synchronized with it, to mainly provide an increasingly better experience for you. Therefore, our Privacy Policy aims to detail how your information and data will be collected, used, shared and stored through our site and our respective services.

This document has been written in a simple way so that all the information contained here is easy to understand and you will understand how we use your data.

Acceptance of our Privacy Policy will be made when you browse our site to take advantage of our services, even for free. This will indicate that you are aware and in full agreement with how we will use your information and your data.

If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not continue to browse and do not use our services. However, we request that you inform us of the points of disagreement so that we can make improvements.

This Privacy Policy is divided as follows to facilitate its understanding:

  • About data collection;
  • About the use of your personal data;
  • About access to your personal data;
  • About Data Sharing;
  • About the use of information provided to our customers;
  • About unsubscribing and changing/deleting personal information;
  • Changes to the Privacy Policy;
  • Applicable Law.

Any questions regarding our Privacy Policy can be clarified by contacting us.

Send an e-mail to

We are located at Avenida Doutor Pedro Lessa, 2672, conjunto 24 – Aparecida – Santos – SP – Brazil – CEP 11025-002.



Information provided by you – We collect personally identifiable information – such as name, phone number and email address – by filling out forms to send contact or receive a test result. Occasionally, some information may be requested through direct contact from M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. with users via e-mail or telephone.

Site navigation information – When you visit our site, a cookie is inserted in your browser through the Google Analytics software to identify how many times you return to our electronic address. Information such as IP address, geographic location, referral source, browser type, length of visit, and pages visited is collected.

Contact history – Here at M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. we store information regarding all contacts ever made with our users and interactions via e-mail and WhatsApp.



All the data we collect is used to provide our services, and it’s worth remembering: we value your privacy. Therefore, all data and information about you are treated as confidential, and we will only use them for the purposes described and authorized by you, mainly to allow you to use our services fully, always aiming to improve your user experience. This way, we can personalize the service to adapt it more and more to your tastes and interests. In addition, your data may also be used to create new services and functionalities.

Eventually, we may use data for purposes not foreseen in this Privacy Policy, but they will be within your legitimate expectations. The eventual use of your data for purposes that do not comply with this prerogative will be done with your prior authorization.

In addition to the above, we will use your data for the following purposes:

  • Your email is used for the operation of sending the material or informative/information requested by you when filling out the form. It can also be used for sending Newsletters, always related to the theme of our site. The email will also be used to communicate the launching of new free materials or new services from M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. and partners. However, the user has the possibility to cancel the subscription at any time;
  • Download data may be disclosed as research and statistics, and no personal information will be openly revealed unless explicitly authorized;
  • Employees of M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. may occasionally contact you via e-mail or telephone to conduct research or introduce products and services;
  • Communicate with you about products, services, promotions, news, updates, events and other matters of your interest;
  • Provide you with targeted advertising based on your tastes, interests and other information we have collected;
  • Customize the service to better match your tastes and interests;
  • For any purpose you authorize at the time of data collection;
  • To comply with legal obligations.



Only employees of M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. can see your personal information, and among them, only those with the proper authorization. Eventually, if the insertion of your information takes place in actions created in partnerships, the explicitly identified partners will also have access to the information. No personal data will be publicly disclosed.

All your data is confidential and any use of it will be in accordance with the present Privacy Policy. M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. will make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of our systems and your data.

All your information will be, whenever possible, encrypted, if it does not make its use by M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. impossible. At any moment you can request a copy of your data stored in our systems. We will maintain data and information only until such time as it is necessary or relevant for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or in case of periods previously determined by law or until such time as it is necessary for the maintenance of legitimate interests of M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda.



When clicking on the buttons for sharing content on social networks available on our pages, the user will be publishing the content through his profile on the selected network. M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. does not have access to users’ login and password on these networks, nor will it publish content on behalf of the user without the user performing this action.

All data, information and content about you may be considered active in the case of negotiations in which M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. takes part. Therefore, we reserve the right to include your data among the company’s assets in case it is sold, acquired or merged with another one. Through this Policy you agree and are aware of this possibility.

M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. reserves the right to provide your data and information about you, including interactions with you, if legally required to do so, if necessary for the company to comply with national laws, or if you expressly authorize it.



All data collected will be deleted from our servers when you request it or when it is no longer necessary or relevant to provide you with our services, unless there is any other reason for its maintenance, such as any legal obligation to retain data or the need to preserve it to protect the rights of M C Tech Comércio de Produtos e Serviços Ltda. To change your personal information or delete it from our database, simply send an e-mail to



This Privacy Policy may undergo updates. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically visit this page to be aware of any changes. If material changes are made that require new consent from you, we will post a new privacy policy.

Before we use information for purposes other than those set forth in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your authorization.



This document shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The District Court of Santos – SP is elected as the competent jurisdiction to settle any issues that may arise from this document, expressly waiving any other, however privileged it may be.